Thursday, September 22, 2016

Gilgamesh vs. Deucalion

 In the story of Gilgamesh there was a man named uta-napishti. He was warned by an ocean god that there was going to be a flood. After he was told what to do during the flood. But in the Greek flood Deucalion was warned by his god father to build an ark for the flood that was soon coming. this is one of the many ways of how they both were similar. A difference there was is that the Greek flood lasted 9 days, while uta-napishti flood lasted for 6 days and nights. Another difference is that as a reward for saving themselves uta-napishti and his wife were granted immortality. Deucalion was not even though he was a Demi god. Another way they are similar is how they both needed to find a way to create more humans. Deucalion and his wife threw the bones of his mother over the ship and they turned into people.  This is how they were similar and different


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